Monday, July 31, 2006

Looney Part 4 Recovery

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Quavi, you must be upset over our recent losses. You were here.

Have you been cleaning up the mess? You could be the womb I am looking for. I think I might be able to love you!

Um, time to study. I have skills to work on. If you manage to survive until the end, we will talk then. How about a lovely bubble bath?
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Hey Lori! You know no one blames you for what happened.

Really? That is good. What happened to some of our furniture?

Oh yeah, that. Um, the rules say with each death a bed is removed. That is why there are only two now.
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Oh Bacillus, my new love. We became friends, then best friends, and now I love you. Hey Joe Carr! Why are you poking my man? We are trying to have a moment.

There is no reason that I saw, Lori. He just walked up and poked him.

Will you distract him so I can be with Bacillus?

Umm, sorry. Lynn is studying. You know she doesn't like to be disturbed.
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Woo-hoo! We have a ghost! How will the tennants like the ghost? I hope this is fun and no one gets hurt.....
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Wen? Is that you? Why Wen Why??? I would have saved you, but my bum hurt from earlier. Plus I never go the command.

BOOOOO!!!! Now you will NEVER have kids in the Falls! HAHAHA! There was a chance, but you let me die!!! BAD XUAN!!!!! BOOOOOOO!!!!!!
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Quavi, hun, what is wrong? Why are you so upset?

My sometimes smelly love Jenn died! My sometimes smelly creator~love Wen died! My new friend Victor died!! I have no wombs!!! I should have had a womb by now! You know Wen told me if Bacillus had died, she would let me have her womb in trade for a baby. She said the genetics would be great. Now she died..

Don't worry, Lynn said she would talk to you about that if you survive to the end.
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Not another fire! Who started this? Luckily Lynn is sleeping.

Fire Fire Fire!!!
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Quavi worried about something?

Xuan told me to beware of the night. Why is that? What happened to him last night? What did he see? He kept mumbling 'No Wen No! I want one kid! Just one kid!'

He was having a nightmare. He thought he saw something. He told me he saw Wen or something. Don't worry about it, all is fine.
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Food! Food! Food! We need food!

Oops, sorry I didn't notice the state of food around there. You guys think the refrigerator is a bottomless pit or something.

We are S-T-A-R-V-I-N-G!

You miss lunch one day and you are starving?
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Thanks for the pizza. We haven't seen that in days.

Happy Lori?

Oh yes. Now I can get back to burning dinners...I have improved some. At least I haven't kill anyone lately.
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Simaholic? Where are you? What did I do to make you mad? Why Simaholic Why? I just want to have fun here, but my needs aren't being met. HELP ME!!

HaHa! She can't help you. You are mine all mine!
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Isn't it strange?.... Born to be a carbon copy man.....I think I'm a clone now...

{Awesome Wierd Al Song - click the trooper picure ;)}
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Oh no! Looking who is out visiting is Wen, Jen and Victor! This shall be a fun night! The following pictures are all from the same evening.
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BOOOOOO!!!!! Xuan!! How could you let me die? I was Quavi's part time love. BOOOOOO!!

Jenn? Is that you? You actually liked Quavi? Really??? Why?
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BOOOOO!!!!! Hey Bacillus! Simaholic doesn't care anymore! Haha! BOOOOOOOO!!!!!

Victor? She cares, I know she does. I feel her love....

Tra~la~la, I'm making muffins, tra~la~la. Don't yell, I'm making muffins!
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BOOOOOO!!!! Lori started the fire! BOOOOOOOO!!!!!

Victor? Is that you? It was an accident....I swear!!
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BOOOOOO!!!!! You killed me! You took me out of the running for Quavi! BOOOOOOO!!!!!!

YEAH! A ghost of Jen!! Too cool! Scare me again! Scare me again!
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BOOOOOOO!!!!!! Quavi, join me in death. We can make ghost babies! BOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!

Wen? Is that Wen? Xuan said you scared him last night. Guess he was right.

Hey ghosts! See Marylena over there on the guitar? Attack her! Attack her! That is why she is here, scare her.
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BOOOOO!!!!! You started the fire that killed me! How could you? I didn't get to hook up with Quavi! BOOOOOOO!!!

It was an accident, really. You weren't smelly enough for Quavi. None of us are.

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BOOOOO!!!!! Bacillus ready to die of fright? You aren't looking so good here....


Victor was the meanest ghost this night. He got most of the guests. Jen was next in line. Then Wen only scared Quavi. None of them went for Marylena who played guitar all night long.

Looney Part 3 Disaster

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Was that a nightmare? Or did it really happen?

Yes Xuan, it happened. {Sniffle} Sad to say, it really happened.

I was hoping it was just a bad dream. {sigh}

We need to discuss it, you know. Let's go back and see what happened. Ok?
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There was a fire. It started small, just the stove.

This was the first fire, right?

Yes, Lynn was at work. She works until 2 PM and it started around 11. I am not sure how it started. I don't remember what I was doing.
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We were all in there. Bacillus, Jenn, Wen, myself and Quavi. We were out of our minds. No one could figure out what to do.

I understand, what happened after that Xuan?
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My bum caught fire! I was surrounded by flames! It was extremely hot. Help me! I can't put this out myself!

I can't help Xuan. You know that. I can only watch.
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Then out of nowhere came this man in uniform. He put my bum out first. Then proceeded to put out the rest.

Yes, Lynn returned home with a promotion! I'm so proud of her. She called the fire department. Then she ran to bed, she has a fear of fires you know.

Did you see Wen & Jenn FREAKED OUT? Quavi had an 'accident' on the floor too. Who is the Simaholic person Bacillus yelled for?

Ignore Bacillus, he is improving. He speaks of her less and less.
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Money Money MONEY!!! Jenn needs your help! Spare change?
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I finally got my baby! Look at him! He looks like me! He has my genes. Isn't he adorable?
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We didn't discuss the second fire yet.

No we didn't. Should we start now?
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Lynn quietly cleaned the room after the fire. She cleaned up the mess and replaced the stove, trash compactor, and cabinets. Needless to say, Lori was willing to make our supper.

Where was Lynn? Why didn't she make jello or order pizza?

Thinking back, that would have been best. She had a new schedule of 9PM to 2 AM. She was upset over the first fire and had to run to make her carpool. She said we could have helped her clean, but we didn't.
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You see, we were really hungry after really freaking out over the first fire. We missed lunch and all. So we were STARVING! For some reason, Lori started spaghetti and walked away to talk to Jenn.

Why would Lori walk away from the stove?

She ran behind Jenn as to say Jenn did it. I was shocked, why blame Jenn?
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I should have gone with Victor and Bacillus to bed. They were sleeping like babies though it all. Must be nice.
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Around 11:30, Wen caught fire. She yelled and yelled.
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At 11:40, Jenn caught fire. What should we do? We can't help, can we?

Not unless you grow some sense soon, you can't. I could only watch in horror.
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The grim came first for Wen. You can see the room is still burning.
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He then turned around and headed over to where Jenn was. Notice Victor showed up now? I guess their yells woke him up.

I wasn't sure when Victor showed up. He was sleeping in the other room.
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Around 12:30, Victor caught fire. By then, Bacillus woke up and came running also.
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Close to 12:45, Quavi caight fire. It looks like Bacillus was also burning, but he was ok.
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Luckily when the grim showed for Victor, Quavi popped out of his fire. He was saved!

At least one good thing happened.
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Around 1:30, the fire was totally out. The stove, counters, refrigerator, and trash compactor are gone. There are three graves. Lynn will not be happy.

No, I don't think she will be.
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Quavi was so worked up over almost dying, he fell asleep in a bowl of cereal after telling Lynn the whole story.

How did she take it? Is she ok?

She was not a happy camper, let's just say that.
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Lori, what are you doing?

I didn't start the fire on purpose! It was an accident! I thought I had to do something. I didn't mean for them to die. They were my FRIENDS!!! {SOB} I'm trying to wash the soot off my body, can't you tell?
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Quavi, are you ok?

{sniffle} I will be ok. My creator, my part time love, and roommate died. {straightens up} So my options are now Lori and Lynn, right?


Looney Part 2

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Where is Lori? I want to pillow fight again. You know Simaholic would have Lori here for me by now. She took GOOD care of me.

Not this time Bacillus. I didn't want to tell you, but Simaholic cloned you and she has her own you now.

Nope. She loves me too much to share ME!
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What do you know about kissing? Andrew knows TONS on kissing, but we can't dicuss him here. Are you a good kisser?

Jenn, I'm eating here. Can we discuss this later?
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You know I need better body wash. This stuff isn't right for me. It's not manly enough. I need the type that will draw the wombs, um females, to me.

We have the dating site set up. The females are on their way. Did you check out the local females? They could be just what you are looking for.
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Be strong Xuan, just tell him no. He will not impregnant your wife here!

What do you two take me for? We aren't good enough friends yet. I just wanted to ask him what the girls think of me. Privacy? PLEASE!
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Oh Jenn, you with the green mist pouring off your body, you could be my love....

Yes Quavi? Why do you only like me when I stink? Why is that?
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Hey Victor, what's wrong? You look upset.

I miss Bella, I heard she is my wife in the Prettacy. No one here likes me like I bet she does.

Chin up Victor, all is not lost.
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QUAVI!! Why are you watching Jenn bathe?

It's wierd, the more she cleans....the less I like her. {sigh}
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What did you make me do? Why did ask me to repair the trash compactor? Why? I almost DIED!!! I need to let Simaholic know what you are up to!

The phone is, um, broken. Yep, that's it. It broke. You are fine, no blood.
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Wen, you saw that right? Lynn told me, demanded of me that I had to repair it. Then I almost die.

Really? If you had died, there would have been room in the house for my baby!

WEN!!! How could you?

Did I use my outside voice? Sorry.
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Shh! Victor is sleeping! Candace pointed this out on her story. Victor's eyes never close. Creepy!
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This can not be a good sign of times to come.