Was that a nightmare? Or did it really happen?
Yes Xuan, it happened. {Sniffle} Sad to say, it really happened.
I was hoping it was just a bad dream. {sigh}
We need to discuss it, you know. Let's go back and see what happened. Ok?
There was a fire. It started small, just the stove.
This was the first fire, right?
Yes, Lynn was at work. She works until 2 PM and it started around 11. I am not sure how it started. I don't remember what I was doing.
We were all in there. Bacillus, Jenn, Wen, myself and Quavi. We were out of our minds. No one could figure out what to do.
I understand, what happened after that Xuan?
My bum caught fire! I was surrounded by flames! It was extremely hot. Help me! I can't put this out myself!
I can't help Xuan. You know that. I can only watch.
Then out of nowhere came this man in uniform. He put my bum out first. Then proceeded to put out the rest.
Yes, Lynn returned home with a promotion! I'm so proud of her. She called the fire department. Then she ran to bed, she has a fear of fires you know.
Did you see Wen & Jenn FREAKED OUT? Quavi had an 'accident' on the floor too. Who is the Simaholic person Bacillus yelled for?
Ignore Bacillus, he is improving. He speaks of her less and less.
Money Money MONEY!!! Jenn needs your help! Spare change?
I finally got my baby! Look at him! He looks like me! He has my genes. Isn't he adorable?
We didn't discuss the second fire yet.
No we didn't. Should we start now?
Lynn quietly cleaned the room after the fire. She cleaned up the mess and replaced the stove, trash compactor, and cabinets. Needless to say, Lori was willing to make our supper.
Where was Lynn? Why didn't she make jello or order pizza?
Thinking back, that would have been best. She had a new schedule of 9PM to 2 AM. She was upset over the first fire and had to run to make her carpool. She said we could have helped her clean, but we didn't.
You see, we were really hungry after really freaking out over the first fire. We missed lunch and all. So we were STARVING! For some reason, Lori started spaghetti and walked away to talk to Jenn.
Why would Lori walk away from the stove?
She ran behind Jenn as to say Jenn did it. I was shocked, why blame Jenn?
I should have gone with Victor and Bacillus to bed. They were sleeping like babies though it all. Must be nice.
Around 11:30, Wen caught fire. She yelled and yelled.
At 11:40, Jenn caught fire. What should we do? We can't help, can we?
Not unless you grow some sense soon, you can't. I could only watch in horror.
The grim came first for Wen. You can see the room is still burning.
He then turned around and headed over to where Jenn was. Notice Victor showed up now? I guess their yells woke him up.
I wasn't sure when Victor showed up. He was sleeping in the other room.
Around 12:30, Victor caught fire. By then, Bacillus woke up and came running also.
Close to 12:45, Quavi caight fire. It looks like Bacillus was also burning, but he was ok.
Luckily when the grim showed for Victor, Quavi popped out of his fire. He was saved!
At least one good thing happened.
Around 1:30, the fire was totally out. The stove, counters, refrigerator, and trash compactor are gone. There are three graves. Lynn will not be happy.
No, I don't think she will be.
Quavi was so worked up over almost dying, he fell asleep in a bowl of cereal after telling Lynn the whole story.
How did she take it? Is she ok?
She was not a happy camper, let's just say that.
Lori, what are you doing?
I didn't start the fire on purpose! It was an accident! I thought I had to do something. I didn't mean for them to die. They were my FRIENDS!!! {SOB} I'm trying to wash the soot off my body, can't you tell?
Quavi, are you ok?
{sniffle} I will be ok. My creator, my part time love, and roommate died. {straightens up} So my options are now Lori and Lynn, right?
OMG.. I am so sorry everyone! I feel so bad about Wen, Jen and Victor.. :(
Aww.....my heart will come out of the grave to forever caress Quavi in eternal love and rapture....
GACK! I am dead, I am dead, I am dead.... MOAN.... *rocks back and forth* SOB! WAIL!
Ok I'm done.
WOW three fire deaths already? Poor Wen , Jenn & Victor.... Quavi is funny sad about his love but optimistic about Lori and Lynn Lol
awww so sad :o( Poor Quavi too.
Can't wait to read more. how far is lynn with her ltw?
Oh poor Quavi, he caught on fire! So glad Lynn got home in time. Awww, Bacillus is so devoted! Lori! How dare you blame the fire on Jenn! ::breathes small sigh of relief that Bacillus is sleeping soundly:: Oh no! Poor Wen! Poor Jenn! Now she'll never get with Bacillus! GAH! NO! Victor, Bacillus! GO BACK TO SLEEP! Awww, and Victor was lost too! Poor Quavi! I wonder if he'll be okay! ::sniffles::
My goodness the fires are always so devistating in the asylums! They almost ended mine. Van't wait for part 4!
What the?? Blame Jenn?? Why blame Jenn? LMAO because she's evil and mean and apparently is controlling and a power hungry bitch. Seems reasonable to me! LMAO! I heart you Lynn. You make me laugh!!
NOOOOO not Wen. OMG and there I am on fire...poor Wen and I. LMAO. Prosperity Mods up in flames. I'm sure some would love to see that happen!! HA HA HA HA HA
OMG there'll be no one left!!!
Hmm it's all Lori's fault huh??? Well Lori...we'll have to repay your kindness won't we Wen?
Ooo, fires are always bad in an Asylum... Aww, those poor simmies. They're all so freaked out and confused! Pfft, Jenn should know if you want to panhandle money, you need to wear less clothing! ;-) *edges away from Wen* Of course he's adorable... Oh! Oh no. *sniffles* Both Wen and Jenn. :-( I sense a conspiracy there, both their names sounding alike. *stares around suspiciously* OMG, no, you mean the fire kept going after the first 2 deaths?!? Wow, Victor's gone too. *stares in shock* Wow, I've never seen a fridge burn up though. Wow, and it's still pretty early in too, isn't it...
The horror, the saddness, I'm laughing so hard I'm crying!
Can't wait til your next update!
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